Friday, June 12, 2009

Board Game Creation <- This includes a template for making your own game. <- So does this one. This has a a variety of choices. <- This is a how-to about making games.

Math Games <---- Username: grand Password: monday

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Science Webquest Website

Plus, this website will help you with density:

Monday, June 8, 2009

7/8 Social Studies Interdependence Questions

1. Where was the most common country that the products came from?

2. What is the difference between "import" and "export"?

3. Predict what kinds of products that Atlantic Canada exports around the world.

4. Why, do you suppose, it's easier or cheaper to import products from far away, than it is to produce them in AC?

PLEASE answer in complete sentences. Have fun!

Tuesday June9 and Wednesday June10 Writing Prompts

This is your last writing assignment of the year! Woohoo! You may choose from any of these writing prompts. Write until you're done, but it has to be a minimum of 200 words.

Please copy and paste your desired prompt from this site, into a Word document, and print the completed writing piece off.

Here are several prompts for you to choose from:

1) Your neighbor has taken in an unusual pet and it does something unpleasant to your house/yard. Confront your neighbor.

2) You wake up to the smell of sizzling French toast. You have to have some, but it's coming from your neighbor's house and the two of you aren't on speaking terms. How do you get the French toast?

3) If you could spend your birthday doing anything you wanted, what would it be and why?

4) You've recently purchased a new house. Upon your first full night there, you begin to hear noises but think nothing of it—until you see something that convinces you the house is haunted.

5) If you could morph into anyone (alive, dead, fictional, etc.), who would it be and why?

6) What was your favorite toy as a child? Write a fond memory describing a time when you played with that toy.

7) Write about a ridiculous competition you start with a friend (e.g., a mustache-growing competition, longest-fingernail challenge, etc.).

8) After years of handing out dyed eggs, the Easter Bunny is in search of a new gift to give to kids. You're a pitchman for a company who's hoping to land the Easter Bunny's account. What's your product and your pitch?

9) Write a 26-line poem using all the letters of the alphabet, where the first line starts with the letter "A," the second "B," the third "C," etc., culminating with the final line starting with "Z."

10) You're at a concert when you receive a text from a friend that says, "You'll never believe what just happened to me!" In the form of a text chat, find out what happened to your friend.

11) A man buys a parrot, and is horrified when he discovers the only thing it can say is, “If you ever tell anyone what you saw, I’ll kill you.”

12) You're walking through a cemetery and you pass the grave of a World War II veteran. Write a scene from his life story.

13) Thinking back to your childhood and the many Halloween costumes you wore, which costume was your favorite and why?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Language Arts - Fun Poetry for June 4

To enjoy a poem you must be able to visualize in your head what's going on. In this assignment you are going to read three poems about aliens, see if you can visualize what is happening in the poem and then draw some pictures.

1. Saving The World With Waffles

I learned Morse Code from Dad this week,
so last night I went out and tried it.
I signaled my flashlight up into the stars,
and somebody out there spied it!

To my surprise, from out in the dark,
came a weak, but definite, blinking.
When I flashed my light, the other flashed back!
Hey, I know what you're thinking...

I'm totally sure it wasn't some star,
just twinkling, like in that dumb song.
I really DID talk to some creature out there!
Believe me, I know I'm not wrong.

A kid from some planet called Zippo-Kaput,
in a galaxy far, far away,
Warned me his people were coming to Earth,
to attack, he was sorry to say.

He said they were greenish and twelve feet tall,
with monstrous mouths for munching.
They'd heard we Earthlings (with a little salt)
were especially yummy for crunching.

"When will they be here?" I quickly flashed back,
"I need to go send out a warning!"
"Too late," he told me, "you haven't got time.
They'll be landing at eight in the morning."

Now I didn't panic, you'll be pleased to know,
or try to hide or cry.
I got an idea--knew it might be my last--
but I had to give it a try.

I signaled to Bosmo (he'd told me his name),
that tomorrow, on Saturday,
my Mom cooks the best darn waffles
a creature can put away.

I quickly invited the star fleet to land,
for a super-galactic brunch.
If I fill them up on Mom's waffles, I figure,
they might not be hungry for lunch.

They'll be here any minute and
I sure hope I'm right.
Either I've saved the world with waffles,
or I'll be the very first bite!

Permission Granted for Use by © 2008 Ted Scheu

2. The Aliens Have Landed!

The aliens have landed!
It's distressing, but they're here.
They piloted their flying saucer
through our atmosphere.

They landed like a meteor
engulfed in smoke and flame.
Then out they climbed immersed in slime
and burbled as they came.

Their hands are greasy tentacles.
Their heads are weird machines.
Their bodies look like cauliflower
and smell like dead sardines.

Their blood is liquid helium.
Their eyes are made of granite.
Their breath exudes the stench of foods
from some unearthly planet.

And if you want to see these
sickly, unattractive creatures,
you'll find them working in your school;
they all got jobs as teachers!

--(C) 2001 by Kenn Nesbitt

3. Alien

What would you do if an Alien landed in the playground?
Would you stand there shouting, ‘Teacher, teacher!
Please Sir, please Miss,
There’s this great big thing with wobbly eyes and six pink legs, Sir!’

Or would you stand still and stare,
And maybe poke at it a bit with sticks
And throw a ball in its mouth,
Or perhaps push Shorty or Fatso or Snotty forwards
To see if they got eaten ?

Imagine if the teacher came out instead and shouted,
‘Oy! You there! You with the six legs! Yes, YOU!
Get back where you came from NOW!

What do you think it would do ?
Would it sit there, humming,
Before gently lifting off and floating away back into space ?

Or would it stick a long tendril out,
Wrap it around teacher,
And suck teacher back into its mouth?

‘Yum, yum!’ it might go,
And you’d all cheer, and laugh,
And maybe one or two of the girls would cry
Because teacher was really quite nice, after all.

Or perhaps the Alien would open wide a wobbly eye,
Shoot a long, lazy glare,
And then raise two tendrils in a V-shape
Before blowing a big raspberry?

Well, what would YOU do if you were an Alien
Landing in the playground ?

I know what I would do.

I wouldn’t stay THERE!

July 2001


Copy and paste these poems into a Word document, or read them from this website.

After you have read the poems:

Divide a piece of drawing paper into thirds. Put the name of one poem at the top of each column. Draw a picture of what you think the alien looks like in each poem. Color the pictures.


Divide a piece of drawing paper into 9 sections. Draw a 3 panel comic strip about each poem. (If you need more boxes then fold the paper into the appropriate number of squares or use a different piece of paper for each comic strip.) Color the comic strip and turn it in to your teacher.

States of Matter website

Fractions, Percent, and Decimals websites

You'll need to copy and paste these addresses into your browser's address bar.

After you have practices, you need to do these questions in your review sheets:
Part I 2,3,6,7,10,11,12,20
Part II 5,11,12

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Atlantic Canada Global Warming links for 7/8 SS

Your mission is to examine the possible effects of global warming on Atlantic Canada under the headings, Good News and Bad News . You are to work in groups to research how global warming could affect us in this part of the country positively and negatively, and listing them under the appropriate heading. Each group will have a piece of butcher paper to be shown at the beginning of next class.

You will research using website articles about global warming. The websites are listed below.

I was unable to make clickable links, so you'll need to copy the addresses from below, go into the address bar, and hit "ctrl+v" to paste. I suggest you have 2 windows, one for this site, and one for the sites you find your information from.

Note: not every scientist believes global warming is a threat. Please keep this in mind as you read some of these articles.

1 -

2 -

3 -

4 -

5 -

6 -

7 -

8 -

9 -

10 -

11 -

Disclaimer: Just because these websites are listed as sources of information for this assignment, that doesn't make them appropriate in all areas like shuffling ads. I have tried to select sources that would not be offensive, but I may have missed something.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Math links

These are for circle graphs today: