Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Atlantic Canada Global Warming links for 7/8 SS

Your mission is to examine the possible effects of global warming on Atlantic Canada under the headings, Good News and Bad News . You are to work in groups to research how global warming could affect us in this part of the country positively and negatively, and listing them under the appropriate heading. Each group will have a piece of butcher paper to be shown at the beginning of next class.

You will research using website articles about global warming. The websites are listed below.

I was unable to make clickable links, so you'll need to copy the addresses from below, go into the address bar, and hit "ctrl+v" to paste. I suggest you have 2 windows, one for this site, and one for the sites you find your information from.

Note: not every scientist believes global warming is a threat. Please keep this in mind as you read some of these articles.

1 - www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2008/09/23/cold.html

2 - http://adaptation.nrcan.gc.ca/posters/ac/ac_01_e.php

3 - www.halifax.ca/Climate/change1.html

4 - www.nowpublic.com/culture/canada-global-warming-may-reduce-cod-stocks-arctic

5 - http://geology.com/articles/northwest-passage.shtml

6 - www.canadafreepress.com/2007/global-warming020507.htm

7 - www.theatlantic.com/doc/200704/global-warming/3

8 - http://wwf.ca/conservation/atlantic/

9 - http://climaterealists.com/index.php?id=3156

10 - www.anythingbutconservative.com/canada-and-climate-change.html

11 - www.rabble.ca/babble/national-news/global-warming-good-canada-yale-study

Disclaimer: Just because these websites are listed as sources of information for this assignment, that doesn't make them appropriate in all areas like shuffling ads. I have tried to select sources that would not be offensive, but I may have missed something.