~ Read 20 minutes
~ Book Talk October 5-6 (see below for details)
~ Spelling word short story for tomorrow - from the list of 15 spelling words listed below, students are to choose 5 to include in a short story they write.
~ Spelling test Friday
This assignment is for Grade 6 only:
Grade 6 Science – “Out of this World” Project
For this project, students may work in groups of 2, or by themselves.
Students are to create a project involving something from the Science textbook, Out of this World. It can be almost anything: planets, solar system, comets, earth, dioramas, posters, models, demonstrations, experiments, and so on. Students can use balloons, clay, Styrofoam balls, cardboard, Bristol board, or anything else appropriate for the project.
They are to be well-researched, using encyclopedias, books, and/or the internet to gather information. The projects are to be detailed, with information cards/sheets provided as part of the display.
I will give some class time for this, but much of the work will have to be done at home.
10 points – Factual accuracy and thoroughness
10 points – Quality of project: full-colour, neatness, title, name of student
10 points – Originality: does it look as if the student spent time planning and organizing?
Due date is October 13.
~ Study
~ Finish assignment
Terry Fox Run Friday afternoon - each student is asked to bring $1.