~ Read for 20 minutes
~ Reading Journal due February 26. This is a journal record of materials read, with 10 entries for 20 minutes of reading each entry. When the students were told they had to read 200 minutes, many didn't like it. But when I assigned it, they had 2 weeks to work on it. Even at 20 minutes a night, it would be done with days to spare!
If the journal page has gone missing, this is what I'm looking for:
MATERIAL READ (magazine, book, etc.)
PAGES READ p.xx-xx
TIME READ 20 minutes
Four lines summarizing the material read
I need 10 entries like this. Late submissions will not be accepted. If your child is leaving for March Break early, I need the journal entries submitted before they leave.
First Nations project is also due on February 26. Most students have been working on this in class, but some have decided to do this project at home. This needs to be submitted before March Break.
Electricity Unit Test on February 25. There will be a review tomorrow, February 17, in class. As well, I will provide extra help after school for any students who need the help.