Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter holiday!

Language Arts

~ read 20 minutes
~ Hand of Robin Squires assignment chapters 12-14
~ final project due April 30. These are the options...

1. You may create a poster on bristol board about The Hand of Robin Squires as if it were going to be a movie. Who would be starring in it? What scenes would you put on the poster to make it look interesting? Use full-colour, and be neat!

2. You may write and perform (in class) an original song about the book. Tell a story from the book, or summarize the entire novel. You may adapt the song from another song you know, but the lyrics must be original to you.

3. You may create a detailed map of the island or a detailed model of the island. Or, create a detailed diagram or model of the Money Pit (the shaft).

4. You may create a model of a wigwam. Make it as realistic as possible, and be prepared to display it in class.

5. You may create a model of a ship like the "Queen's Privateer". Research sailing ships of the time, and draw and label a picture, or create a model, of what the ship may have looked like.

6. You may research the history and legends of Oak Island, and discuss the various theories about its treasures. You may even want to come up with a theory of your own!

7. You may research the Micmac (now known as Mi'kmaq) and present what you have learned on a poster, a powerpoint, or some other display.

8. You may choose a section of the novel to act out in a dramatic monologue. You may ask someone else to help you in a skit, but that person must do their own project as well. This is NOT a group project.

9. You may create a journal, describing the events of the novel, as seen from another character's point of view? What was Billy Boles thinking? What if Powderlegs kept a journal? What would Actaudin have written in a journal?

10. If you can think of another project not specifically mentioned here, submit to Mr. Cook your idea.


~ finish incomplete work

Social Studies

~ the students need to keep their duotangs updated. If they miss a day, it is their responsibility to get the missing work and complete it. So far in this unit, students should have 1) Title Page 2) "What's in a News Story?" 3) "Chile: A Shattered Nation" 4) "Chile and its Neighbours" 5) Current Events worksheet using www.popmagazine.com as a source for their news article 6) "Elephants are Not Fair Game" (handed out today), and 7) Elephant Facts/Elephant Explainer (also handed out today). Mrs. P-G's class also has an article called "A Letter from the First Lady". I will be collecting these duotangs for marking some time soon, and all work must be completed.


~ SMART Goals need to be completed



~ Awards ceremony Friday afternoon
~ "Avatar" showing here at the school 7PM, $5