Thursday, December 17, 2009

Photo Story

Last night was the Middle School Christmas Concert. Our photo story about The Night Before Christmas was displayed, and I think our kids did a great job!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

HOMEWORK for Wednesday December 2

HOMEWORK - Tuesday, December 8

Spelling test on Friday. Each student has a different word list, and they have written their words in their agendas.

Read 20 minutes each night.

As a class project, we are working on the poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. Each student has a section of the poem, and they should practice their sections. As well, there is a quiz on various elements of Christmas, winter, and the poem - this quiz is on Friday. The students have been taking notes for the quiz this week.


1. You may research this project by yourself, or in groups of 2 or 3. However, every student needs their own journal.
2. By going to Mr. Cook’s Homework Blog, and using the links under “Science Links”, you are to research how astronauts live in space, answering the questions on your handout.

These are the questions:
1. What do they eat? What do they drink?
2. How do they exercise?
3. How do they sleep?
4. How do they use the bathroom?
5. What do they do for fun?
6. What do they do to work? What are their jobs in space?

3. You will glue this handout to an 8-page “foldable”. You will use this foldable as a journal, as if you are an astronaut in space, and you are writing your daily events. NOTE: We created this foldable in class, but if it gets lost, any format for 5 journal entries is appropriate.
4. In these journal entries, using your imagination, write about what you did during the day, how and what you ate, any problems you may have had, and so on.
5. You are to complete 5 daily journals, due next Wednesday, December 9.

Math: study benchmarks

Grade 6 Interactions activities

Two notices were sent home today. One was an invitation for you to join us at our middle school awards ceremony on Thursday at 1:10. This is meant ot celebrate academic success in our school, and we would love to have parents join us.

The other is this:

Dear parents and guardians,
As a parent myself, I have tried to keep the stress and pressure off my students and their parents this year. That is the reason we are not doing a Secret Santa or gift swap. I would, however, like to have a class party on the last day of school, December 18.
If possible, I would like to have 5 or 6 pizzas, 4 batches of goodies (cookies, squares, brownies, etc.), pop, chips, and ice cream.

If you can help out with any of these items, I would certainly appreciate it. Please sign below and return with your child. Thank you.
~Mr. Cook

NAME: _____________________________________
I will help with: ________________________________________
I can be reached this number: ________________________________

Phys. Ed: gym clothes... Monday, Tuesday, WEDNESDAY (new)and Thursday

Things to Remember...

The Middle School team is looking for the metal ends off of frozen juice cans. Please save your metal ends and send them in!

December Activities
December 8: Elementary Winter Concert
December 12: Christmas Social (GMCS students, staff, family, and friends)
December 14-16: Candy Cane Grams on sale
December 15: Reindeer Scavenger Hunt
December 15: Middle/High School Christmas Concert
December 16: Christmas Hat Day
December 17: Christmas Surprise
December 18: Christmas Fun Day (Home Alone and BYOM - Bring Your Own Mug)
December 19: Christmas parade (and Mr.Cook's and Ms.Nichol's birthdays!)

9 school days till Christmas break!