Thursday, January 28, 2010


In Social Studies, we have been studying how First Nations were affected when Europeans came over to North America.

This is a link to a website called Glogster, where students will present their findings in a creative way. I did a sample on the First Nations group the Wendat, also known as Hurons.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday, January 27

HOMEWORK for January 27


Book talks due next Wednesday, February 3
Read 20 minutes a night


Finish ideal house, label and colour - for Monday, February 1


Using the list of electrical safety tips we learned about in class today, make a brochure that you could use to inform people who are unaware of these dangers. Include as many as you can. Draw and color pictures. Label and explain. Make your brochure bright, and easy to read. Take your TIME, and do a good job!

As well, the Grade 6 Science class will be going to the Huntsman Marine Laboratory on March 16-17. I plan to have a parent meeting next Tuesday night, February 2, at 7PM regarding this trip. This is the notice I sent home with the students today.

Dear parents,

I am writing this to you to bring to your attention an exciting opportunity that your child in Grade 6 Science will be able to participate in. It is called an “Ocean Discovery Program”, and has been developed by the Huntsman Marine Science Centre in St. Andrew’s, in consultation with the Department of Education. It effectively covers the majority of outcomes in the provincially prescribed life sciences unit of the Grade 6 Science Curriculum in a rich and engaging way. The program offers pre-and post- activities and a 2-day overnight program at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre.

Last year, Miss Ward took that group of Grade 6 students, and they found it to be a worthwhile and valuable experience. I am excited that we are able to be part of this opportunity again, without a cost to the school or to the students. It is supported financially by the Department of Education, School District 10, and the Huntsman Marine Science Centre.

This program covers 2 days, March 16-17. We would leave first boat on the 16th, and would be back in time for the 1:30 ferry from Black’s Harbour on the 17th. We will be staying in the dormitories on campus. Meals are covered except for lunch on the first day. Students would also be required to have items needed for the sleepover.

Huntsman has budgeted one adult for every 10 students. For Grand Manan they can cover the cost of three adults/chaperons; extras are $70.20 each.

Activities include: Plankton Lab – Life in a Drop of Water; Invertebrate Lab – An Introduction to Classification; The King of Crustaceans – Lobster; Intertidal Zone Exploration at Brandy Cove; Right-side UP Behaviour Experiment; and The Challenges of Measuring Biodiversity.

The exact order of activities may vary depending on the exact time of low tide and when we can explore the intertidal zone.

As you can see, this is an extensive program, and designed to cover much of the Science Unit.
We will have a parent meeting next Tuesday, February 2, at 7PM, here at the school, for questions, concerns and comments about this trip. Please feel free to come, or to contact me in some other way. My number is 662-8630, and my e-mail address is

Thank you for your time.

Mr. Pat Cook

Monday, January 18, 2010

Olympics Athlete Powerpoint Project

This will be an in-class project. Your assignment is to create a Powerpoint presentation of a Canadian athlete competing in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.

You first need to go to this website:

From there, you need to choose an athlete from one of the Olympic sports: hockey, curling, one of the 3 skating sports, one of the 3 sliding sports, one of the 6 skiing sports, or snowboarding. You may want to choose a sport that you enjoy watching or would like to learn more about.

For your athlete, create a 10-12 slide powerpoint presentation. Your presentation needs to include:

a title page
your athlete's name
a brief biography
awards won and career highlights
injuries, difficulties, and setbacks (if any)
chances of winning medals
and 2 slides describing the sport

NOTE: You will not be able to copy and paste because there is more information on the website than you can fit in powerpoint slides. You will need to find the important information.

Monday, January 11, 2010

HOMEWORK for Monday January 11

1) Read for 20 minutes.

2) There will be book talks starting February 3 - see below post for details.

3) Scholastic book orders due next Monday, January 18.

4) Grade 6 Science test tomorrow - Space Unit.

5) This week's spelling words:


Book Talks

Book talks are due (and will be presented) on February 3. Below is the slideshow presentation of the requirements of this assignment. A written document can be found in the archives of this blog, back in September or October.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's a New Year!

Hello, and welcome back to school! I hope you enjoyed yourselves over the break. I know many of the students were exhausted today, after having stayed up late for 2 weeks or so.

Here's the homework and announcements...


Read 20 minutes a night
Book talks in class on February 3


Unit test on Space January 12, next Tuesday


Ball Hockey tonight @ 6PM

GMCS Cinema presents "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" this Friday @ 7PM.

Scholastic book orders due January 18. There are a lot of books in these orders for guys, so you may want to have a look through them yourselves.

MuchMusic Video Dance January 29