Thursday, June 17, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010


For this short project, you are to work by yourself to research one of the following diseases. You may present your findings on a poster. Include on your poster:

~ the name of your disease
~ if it is "Infectious" or "Non-infectious"
~ a short description of it
~ how a person "catches" it
~ how serious is it?
~ an illustration or 2 about it

You may choose from any of these topics:
chicken pox
heart disease
ingrown toenail
food poisoning
common cold
Mad Cow Disease

Friday, May 28, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 min, and use log to record reading

We have began a class project called "Create a Magazine". This is the original handout:

CREATE A MAGAZINE! – Due June 11; completed projects will not be accepted after June 16.

As our final class project, each student will create a magazine. The student may choose any virtually topic that interests them: sports, movies, hobbies, animals, TV, history, etc. I will not accept any work I would consider too violent.

We will be working on these elements in class, but sometimes the work may need to be completed at home. The final project needs to be in a clear, transparent folder. The minimum requirements for this project are listed below. This chart is the marking scheme for this project.

Cover page – full-colour, title, related illustration /5
Table of contents – correct order and page numbers /5
Editorial – opinion-based /10
Letter to the editor – persuasive or friendly letter /15
Non-fiction Article #1 – relating to magazine topic /10
Non-fiction Article #2 – also relating to magazine topic /10
Advertisement – trying to sell something related to topic /5
Fiction story – 5-paragraph story related to topic /15
Poem #1 (Acrostic) /5
Poem #2 – rhyme, free verse, limerick, or some other form /10
Presentation and Conventions – transparent cover, headlines, spelling, font, neatness, etc.
TOTAL /100

Editorial - was due May 17
Letter to the editor - was due May 26
Advertisement - was due today
Next week we will work on writing a non-fiction article.

6 Science

Students should study notes and handouts. We had a short quiz this week on flight.

Provincial Science Assessment - early June- exact dates TBA. We will be reviewing previous units beforehand, and students should be looking over notes in their duotangs to prepare.

McQuaid Art

Art History Project for Spring 2010 - First Assigned April 12, edited April 19. DUE MONDAY!

Your assignment is to create a powerpoint about a famous artist, which will be presented in class. The list of choices will be a sign-up sheet on the board. If you have another artist in mind, let Mr. Cook know who you would like to present. You will be given several classes to work on this project, but you may need to do work outside of regular class time.

Your powerpoint must be at least 12 slides, and must include all of these questions:
1. A title page containing the title and your name
2. A picture of your artist.
3. A brief biography of your artist. When and where were they born? Who were their parents? Did they have siblings? Where did they live? Where did they go to school? What kind of artist were they (what style)? If they are not still living, when did they die? And so on…
4. Why or how did your artist begin painting/drawing/sculpting/taking photos? What were their influences?
5. How many different works of art has your artist produced? Give some examples.
6. List 5 other interesting facts you have learned about your artist.
7. Why do you think your artist is so famous? Do you think they will be famous for a long time? Why or why not?
8. In your own words, describe your honest thoughts about this artist and their work. Do you like them? Provide details to support your arguments.
9. If you could ask your artist 5 questions, what would they be?
10. Choose your favourite piece of their work and provide a picture. Knowing what you know about your artist, write a short journal entry from their point of view about this piece. What do you think they would say about it?

This project will be worth 50% of your final Art grade for the year, so do your best. You will be marked on completing all 10 required components, as well as neatness, original thoughts, understanding of the material, and class presentation. You must not copy and paste from websites; the words must be your own.

Due Date: May 31

NOTE: If your school laptop is too slow to work well, you may research this project by using books in the library. All components are still required. Or, you may work at home on this project, and bring it in on the assigned day.



Next week is Spring Carnival Week. Here is the schedule...

Monday - PJ Day
Tuesday - Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday - Twin Day - Grads vs. Staff Softball 6pm-Victoria Park
Thursday - Anything But Pants Day - Rave Dance 7-8:30
Friday - Hat Day - Movie "The Blind Side", Inflatables & Carnival Games

Permission slips must be returned, along with $2, in order for students to take part in the inflatable games.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 min, and use log to record reading

We have began a class project called "Create a Magazine". This is the original handout:

CREATE A MAGAZINE! – Due June 11; completed projects will not be accepted after June 16.

As our final class project, each student will create a magazine. The student may choose any virtually topic that interests them: sports, movies, hobbies, animals, TV, history, etc. I will not accept any work I would consider too violent.

We will be working on these elements in class, but sometimes the work may need to be completed at home. The final project needs to be in a clear, transparent folder. The minimum requirements for this project are listed below. This chart is the marking scheme for this project.

Cover page – full-colour, title, related illustration /5
Table of contents – correct order and page numbers /5
Editorial – opinion-based /10
Letter to the editor – persuasive or friendly letter /15
Non-fiction Article #1 – relating to magazine topic /10
Non-fiction Article #2 – also relating to magazine topic /10
Advertisement – trying to sell something related to topic /5
Fiction story – 5-paragraph story related to topic /15
Poem #1 (Acrostic) /5
Poem #2 – rhyme, free verse, limerick, or some other form /10
Presentation and Conventions – transparent cover, headlines, spelling, font, neatness, etc.
TOTAL /100

Editorial - was due May 17
Letter to the editor- was due May 26. This is the handout I passed out last week:


A letter to an editor of a newspaper or magazine is a way to get your thoughts heard by a large group of people. You may have read an article about a current event that is of interest to you. You can write your thoughts on the subject in a letter to the editor. If the editor thinks your letter makes a good point, he or she may publish it in the next issue.

For this assignment, you are to pretend you are a reader of the magazine that you are creating.
Make sure your letter has the following:

- Date
- Salutation or Greeting ("Dear Editor,")
- Opening Mention the article to which you are responding. State your position on the issue.
- Body This is the main part of the letter in which you will try to persuade your readers of your point of view. Be sure to provide evidence that supports your arguments. You should also mention some arguments against your position. Explain why these arguments aren't convincing. Because you want your letter to be printed in the paper, you should try to be brief. A short and direct letter will hold your audience's attention better than a long and rambling one.
- Conclusion End your letter with a paragraph that summarizes your arguments. Your final sentence should rephrase your main point in a powerful way.
- Your signature

Read your letter to the editor over, and ask these questions:
~Does the letter clearly state the article and subject you are writing about?
~Does the letter persuade the reader of your point of view?
~Does your letter discuss the arguments of people who would disagree with your point of view?
~How do you feel when you read the letter? Is it how you wanted the person reading the letter to feel?
You should also edit your work by checking:
~Spelling: make sure all words are spelled correctly.

~Format: make sure that the date, salutation, body, closing and signature are in the correct places on the page.

6 Science

Students should study notes and handouts. We had a short quiz today on flight.

Provincial Science Assessment - early June- exact dates TBA. We will be reviewing previous units beforehand, and students should be looking over notes in their duotangs to prepare.

McQuaid Art

Art History Project for Spring 2010 - First Assigned April 12, edited April 19
There are only 3 classes left for this project, so students who have not made use of class time will need to work on this at home.

Your assignment is to create a powerpoint about a famous artist, which will be presented in class. The list of choices will be a sign-up sheet on the board. If you have another artist in mind, let Mr. Cook know who you would like to present. You will be given several classes to work on this project, but you may need to do work outside of regular class time.

Your powerpoint must be at least 12 slides, and must include all of these questions:
1. A title page containing the title and your name
2. A picture of your artist.
3. A brief biography of your artist. When and where were they born? Who were their parents? Did they have siblings? Where did they live? Where did they go to school? What kind of artist were they (what style)? If they are not still living, when did they die? And so on…
4. Why or how did your artist begin painting/drawing/sculpting/taking photos? What were their influences?
5. How many different works of art has your artist produced? Give some examples.
6. List 5 other interesting facts you have learned about your artist.
7. Why do you think your artist is so famous? Do you think they will be famous for a long time? Why or why not?
8. In your own words, describe your honest thoughts about this artist and their work. Do you like them? Provide details to support your arguments.
9. If you could ask your artist 5 questions, what would they be?
10. Choose your favourite piece of their work and provide a picture. Knowing what you know about your artist, write a short journal entry from their point of view about this piece. What do you think they would say about it?

This project will be worth 50% of your final Art grade for the year, so do your best. You will be marked on completing all 10 required components, as well as neatness, original thoughts, understanding of the material, and class presentation. You must not copy and paste from websites; the words must be your own.

Due Date: May 31

NOTE: If your school laptop is too slow to work well, you may research this project by using books in the library. All components are still required. Or, you may work at home on this project, and bring it in on the assigned day.


Friday, May 21, 2010


You may work in groups for this activity.

A strange creature was actually found in a lake in Northern Ontario. Right-click on the link below, and open in a new window, to see the pictures.

An article was written about the find. Right-click on the link below, and open in a new window, to read the article.

On a sheet on unlined paper, in your groups...
1) Name the creature, and write it in the centre of your page.
2) Use to describe the creature. What does it look like? What emotions does it make you feel? How would you describe it? Create a picture with your words, and write these on your sheet surrounding the creature's name.
3) Display your word picture on the bulletin board.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 min, and use log to record reading

We have began a class project called "Create a Magazine". This is the handout I passed out.

CREATE A MAGAZINE! – Due June 11; completed projects will not be accepted after June 16.

As our final class project, each student will create a magazine. The student may choose any virtually topic that interests them: sports, movies, hobbies, animals, TV, history, etc. I will not accept any work I would consider too violent.

We will be working on these elements in class, but sometimes the work may need to be completed at home. The final project needs to be in a clear, transparent folder. The minimum requirements for this project are listed below. This chart is the marking scheme for this project.

Cover page – full-colour, title, related illustration /5
Table of contents – correct order and page numbers /5
Editorial – opinion-based /10
Letter to the editor – persuasive or friendly letter /15
Non-fiction Article #1 – relating to magazine topic /10
Non-fiction Article #2 – also relating to magazine topic /10
Advertisement – trying to sell something related to topic /5
Fiction story – 5-paragraph story related to topic /15
Poem #1 (Acrostic) /5
Poem #2 – rhyme, free verse, limerick, or some other form /10
Presentation and Conventions – transparent cover, headlines, spelling, font, neatness, etc.
TOTAL /100

Editorial - overdue
Next week's assignment, due Tuesday May 25, is writing a letter to the editor. This is the handout I passed out on Monday:


A letter to an editor of a newspaper or magazine is a way to get your thoughts heard by a large group of people. You may have read an article about a current event that is of interest to you. You can write your thoughts on the subject in a letter to the editor. If the editor thinks your letter makes a good point, he or she may publish it in the next issue.

For this assignment, you are to pretend you are a reader of the magazine that you are creating.
Make sure your letter has the following:

- Date
- Salutation or Greeting ("Dear Editor,")
- Opening Mention the article to which you are responding. State your position on the issue.
- Body This is the main part of the letter in which you will try to persuade your readers of your point of view. Be sure to provide evidence that supports your arguments. You should also mention some arguments against your position. Explain why these arguments aren't convincing. Because you want your letter to be printed in the paper, you should try to be brief. A short and direct letter will hold your audience's attention better than a long and rambling one.
- Conclusion End your letter with a paragraph that summarizes your arguments. Your final sentence should rephrase your main point in a powerful way.
- Your signature

Read your letter to the editor over, and ask these questions:
~Does the letter clearly state the article and subject you are writing about?
~Does the letter persuade the reader of your point of view?
~Does your letter discuss the arguments of people who would disagree with your point of view?
~How do you feel when you read the letter? Is it how you wanted the person reading the letter to feel?
You should also edit your work by checking:
~Spelling: make sure all words are spelled correctly.

~Format: make sure that the date, salutation, body, closing and signature are in the correct places on the page.

6 Science

Students should study notes and handouts. There will be a short quiz next week on Wednesday. It will cover Bernouilli's Principle and the 4 forces of flight.

McQuaid Art

Art History Project for Spring 2010 - First Assigned April 12, edited April 19
There are only 3 classes left for this project, so students who have not made use of class time will need to work on this at home.

Your assignment is to create a powerpoint about a famous artist, which will be presented in class. The list of choices will be a sign-up sheet on the board. If you have another artist in mind, let Mr. Cook know who you would like to present. You will be given several classes to work on this project, but you may need to do work outside of regular class time.

Your powerpoint must be at least 12 slides, and must include all of these questions:
1. A title page containing the title and your name
2. A picture of your artist.
3. A brief biography of your artist. When and where were they born? Who were their parents? Did they have siblings? Where did they live? Where did they go to school? What kind of artist were they (what style)? If they are not still living, when did they die? And so on…
4. Why or how did your artist begin painting/drawing/sculpting/taking photos? What were their influences?
5. How many different works of art has your artist produced? Give some examples.
6. List 5 other interesting facts you have learned about your artist.
7. Why do you think your artist is so famous? Do you think they will be famous for a long time? Why or why not?
8. In your own words, describe your honest thoughts about this artist and their work. Do you like them? Provide details to support your arguments.
9. If you could ask your artist 5 questions, what would they be?
10. Choose your favourite piece of their work and provide a picture. Knowing what you know about your artist, write a short journal entry from their point of view about this piece. What do you think they would say about it?

This project will be worth 50% of your final Art grade for the year, so do your best. You will be marked on completing all 10 required components, as well as neatness, original thoughts, understanding of the material, and class presentation. You must not copy and paste from websites; the words must be your own.

Due Date: May 31

NOTE: If your school laptop is too slow to work well, you may research this project by using books in the library. All components are still required. Or, you may work at home on this project, and bring it in on the assigned day.


Monday, May 17, 2010


Please make sure your child has enough pens and pencils for the rest of the year. My supply has almost dried up!

Also, please ensure that your child has a water bottle. In these days of nicer weather, we will be getting outside more often, and we need to make sure the students keep hydrated.


Using the website called TeensHealth at, answer some questions about the importance of keeping hydrated. There are 3 pages, so don't expect to find all the answers on the first page! You may work in pairs for this.

Copy the questions and paste into a Word document, answer the questions, and print them off.

1) In your own words, what is dehydration?

2) What causes dehydration? There are 4 causes listed; which do you think is most likely for people you know?

3) What are some symptoms of dehydration?

4) What is the easiest way to prevent dehydration? What are someother things you can do?

5) Are caffeinated drinks (Coke, Pepsi, energy drinks like Red Bull, Monster, and NOS) good ways to get re-hydrated? Explain why or why not.

6) In your own words, why is dehydration so serious?

Friday, May 7, 2010


I was away this week with the drama team - awesome work, gang!
This also meant I didn't update my blog as often as I would have liked.

Language Arts

~ read 20 min, and use log to record reading

~ ALL Hand of Robin Squires work (duotang, project, and book report) was due today. There are still several who have not passed their work in :( These ones will stay after school until it is completed.

On Monday, we began a class project called "Create a Magazine". This is the handout I passed out.

CREATE A MAGAZINE! – Due June 11; completed projects will not be accepted after June 16.

As our final class project, each student will create a magazine. The student may choose any virtually topic that interests them: sports, movies, hobbies, animals, TV, history, etc. I will not accept any work I would consider too violent.

We will be working on these elements in class, but sometimes the work may need to be completed at home. The final project needs to be in a clear, transparent folder. The minimum requirements for this project are listed below. This chart is the marking scheme for this project.

Cover page – full-colour, title, related illustration /5
Table of contents – correct order and page numbers /5
Editorial – opinion-based /10
Letter to the editor – persuasive or friendly letter /15
Non-fiction Article #1 – relating to magazine topic /10
Non-fiction Article #2 – also relating to magazine topic /10
Advertisement – trying to sell something related to topic /5
Fiction story – 5-paragraph story related to topic /15
Poem #1 (Acrostic) /5
Poem #2 – rhyme, free verse, limerick, or some other form /10
Presentation and Conventions – transparent cover, headlines, spelling, font, neatness, etc.
TOTAL /100

Next week, we will be working on fact vs. opinion in class, so the editorial will be due on Friday.

6 Science

For those students who missed science classes this week due to drama or sickness, I will be having an after-school science class on Monday. The students will be doing the experiments that they missed on Tuesday and Wednesday.

McQuaid Art

Art History Project for Spring 2010 - First Assigned April 12, edited April 19
There are only 3 classes left for this project, so students who have not made use of class time will need to work on this at home.

Your assignment is to create a powerpoint about a famous artist, which will be presented in class. The list of choices will be a sign-up sheet on the board. If you have another artist in mind, let Mr. Cook know who you would like to present. You will be given several classes to work on this project, but you may need to do work outside of regular class time.

Your powerpoint must be at least 12 slides, and must include all of these questions:
1. A title page containing the title and your name
2. A picture of your artist.
3. A brief biography of your artist. When and where were they born? Who were their parents? Did they have siblings? Where did they live? Where did they go to school? What kind of artist were they (what style)? If they are not still living, when did they die? And so on…
4. Why or how did your artist begin painting/drawing/sculpting/taking photos? What were their influences?
5. How many different works of art has your artist produced? Give some examples.
6. List 5 other interesting facts you have learned about your artist.
7. Why do you think your artist is so famous? Do you think they will be famous for a long time? Why or why not?
8. In your own words, describe your honest thoughts about this artist and their work. Do you like them? Provide details to support your arguments.
9. If you could ask your artist 5 questions, what would they be?
10. Choose your favourite piece of their work and provide a picture. Knowing what you know about your artist, write a short journal entry from their point of view about this piece. What do you think they would say about it?

This project will be worth 50% of your final Art grade for the year, so do your best. You will be marked on completing all 10 required components, as well as neatness, original thoughts, understanding of the material, and class presentation. You must not copy and paste from websites; the words must be your own.

Due Date: May 31

NOTE: If your school laptop is too slow to work well, you may research this project by using books in the library. All components are still required. Or, you may work at home on this project, and bring it in on the assigned day.


Sunday, May 2, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 min, and use log to record reading

~ ALL Hand of Robin Squires work (duotang, project, and book report) was due today.

Today, we began a class project called "Create a Magazine". This is the handout I passed out.

CREATE A MAGAZINE! – Due June 11; completed projects will not be accepted after June 16.

As our final class project, each student will create a magazine. The student may choose any virtually topic that interests them: sports, movies, hobbies, animals, TV, history, etc. I will not accept any work I would consider too violent.

We will be working on these elements in class, but sometimes the work may need to be completed at home. The final project needs to be in a clear, transparent folder. The minimum requirements for this project are listed below. This chart is the marking scheme for this project.

Cover page – full-colour, title, related illustration /5
Table of contents – correct order and page numbers /5
Editorial – opinion-based /10
Letter to the editor – persuasive or friendly letter /15
Non-fiction Article #1 – relating to magazine topic /10
Non-fiction Article #2 – also relating to magazine topic /10
Advertisement – trying to sell something related to topic /5
Fiction story – 5-paragraph story related to topic /15
Poem #1 (Acrostic) /5
Poem #2 – rhyme, free verse, limerick, or some other form /10
Presentation and Conventions – transparent cover, headlines, spelling, font, neatness, etc.
TOTAL /100

McQuaid Art

Art History Project for Spring 2010 - First Assigned April 12, edited April 19
There are only 3 classes left for this project, so students who have not made use of class time will need to work on this at home.

Your assignment is to create a powerpoint about a famous artist, which will be presented in class. The list of choices will be a sign-up sheet on the board. If you have another artist in mind, let Mr. Cook know who you would like to present. You will be given several classes to work on this project, but you may need to do work outside of regular class time.

Your powerpoint must be at least 12 slides, and must include all of these questions:
1. A title page containing the title and your name
2. A picture of your artist.
3. A brief biography of your artist. When and where were they born? Who were their parents? Did they have siblings? Where did they live? Where did they go to school? What kind of artist were they (what style)? If they are not still living, when did they die? And so on…
4. Why or how did your artist begin painting/drawing/sculpting/taking photos? What were their influences?
5. How many different works of art has your artist produced? Give some examples.
6. List 5 other interesting facts you have learned about your artist.
7. Why do you think your artist is so famous? Do you think they will be famous for a long time? Why or why not?
8. In your own words, describe your honest thoughts about this artist and their work. Do you like them? Provide details to support your arguments.
9. If you could ask your artist 5 questions, what would they be?
10. Choose your favourite piece of their work and provide a picture. Knowing what you know about your artist, write a short journal entry from their point of view about this piece. What do you think they would say about it?

This project will be worth 50% of your final Art grade for the year, so do your best. You will be marked on completing all 10 required components, as well as neatness, original thoughts, understanding of the material, and class presentation. You must not copy and paste from websites; the words must be your own.

Due Date: May 31

NOTE: If your school laptop is too slow to work well, you may research this project by using books in the library. All components are still required. Or, you may work at home on this project, and bring it in on the assigned day.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


We are asking for $1 per student for the viewing of the HS and MS dramas yesterday.

Language Arts

~ read 20 min, and use log to record reading

~ Hand of Robin Squires final project due April 30
~ In class we began a book report about Hand of Robin Squires. This is primarily an in-class work.
~ ALL Hand of Robin Squires work (duotang, project, and book report) must be handed in by Monday, May 3.

There will be a comprehensive spelling test on all Hand of Robin Squires words (48) next Monday, May 3. We took time in class for them to write all the words on a sheet of looseleaf, which was to be stapled into their agendas. Students should begin studying for this important assessment. These are the words:


To help study for this, I put the words in a Hangman game called Word Duck. You may find this game website to the right of this blog entry under "Hand of Robin Squires".

Social Studies

~ Last Tuesday we began an assignment about timelines. Students were to create personal timelines using events of their own lives. This was not meant to be overly personal or nosy, just a way for students to understand the passage of time in their short lives. This is due tomorrow.

6 Science

~ Finish title page for new unit "Flight". It must have the name of the unit, at least 5 pictures of flight, at least 5 words or phrases about flight, and must be neat, in full-colour, and in your duotang.


~ bring bristol board

McQuaid Art

Art History Project for Spring 2010 - First Assigned April 12, edited April 19
There are only 3 classes left for this project, so students who have not made use of class time will need to work on this at home.

Your assignment is to create a powerpoint about a famous artist, which will be presented in class. The list of choices will be a sign-up sheet on the board. If you have another artist in mind, let Mr. Cook know who you would like to present. You will be given several classes to work on this project, but you may need to do work outside of regular class time.

Your powerpoint must be at least 12 slides, and must include all of these questions:
1. A title page containing the title and your name
2. A picture of your artist.
3. A brief biography of your artist. When and where were they born? Who were their parents? Did they have siblings? Where did they live? Where did they go to school? What kind of artist were they (what style)? If they are not still living, when did they die? And so on…
4. Why or how did your artist begin painting/drawing/sculpting/taking photos? What were their influences?
5. How many different works of art has your artist produced? Give some examples.
6. List 5 other interesting facts you have learned about your artist.
7. Why do you think your artist is so famous? Do you think they will be famous for a long time? Why or why not?
8. In your own words, describe your honest thoughts about this artist and their work. Do you like them? Provide details to support your arguments.
9. If you could ask your artist 5 questions, what would they be?
10. Choose your favourite piece of their work and provide a picture. Knowing what you know about your artist, write a short journal entry from their point of view about this piece. What do you think they would say about it?

This project will be worth 50% of your final Art grade for the year, so do your best. You will be marked on completing all 10 required components, as well as neatness, original thoughts, understanding of the material, and class presentation. You must not copy and paste from websites; the words must be your own.

Due Date: May 31

NOTE: If your school laptop is too slow to work well, you may research this project by using books in the library. All components are still required. Or, you may work at home on this project, and bring it in on the assigned day.

GMCS Cinema Presents: Dear John (PG-13) Friday, April 30 @ 7pm. Hope to see you there!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 min, and use log to record reading
~ Hand of Robin Squires ch 22-25 due Wednesday. These are the questions due:

1) Find the 2 similes in chapter 22, and the one simile in chapter 24.
2) What is Edward suggesting to Billy Boles when he says on page 130, "Come, Mr. Boles. Use your imagination."?
3) What shows you that Robin is absolutely convinced that Billy Boles will soon murder him and that he is desperate to escape?
4) What words would you use to describe Actaudin, especially after reading chapters 23 and 24? Do you think he would make a good leader for his people? Why?
5) Why does Robin decide to go back to England?
6) Match the vocabulary in the following list with the proper definition below - gale (p.123); subsided, tethered (pg.124); pinioned, tourniquet (pg.133). Write each word and then its proper meaning out in your notebook. PLEASE watch your spelling!
- a device for stopping bleeding by compressing a blood vessel
- a very strong wind; a wind with a velocity of 50-88km/h
- fastened with a rope or chain
- sank to a lower level; became less active
- to bind the arms of

Hand of Robin Squires final project due April 30

There will be a comprehensive spelling test on all Hand of Robin Squires words (48) next Monday, May 3. We took time in class for them to write all the words on a sheet of looseleaf, which was to be stapled into their agendas. Students should begin studying for this important assessment. These are the words:


To help study for this, I put the words in a Hangman game called Word Duck. You may find this game website to the right of this blog entry under "Hand of Robin Squires".

Social Studies

~ Last Tuesday we began an assignment about timelines. Students were to create personal timelines using events of their own lives. This was not meant to be overly personal or nosy, just a way for students to understand the passage of time in their short lives. This is due tomorrow.

6 Science

~ Friday we had Electricity test retake. Most of the students hit the ball out of the park on this test, and will keep the marks they received. If they choose to rewrite, then they may use this test as a study guide for a retake tomorrow. I also included a set of additional notes to studying from, for those who want to retake.

The topics are: static electricity, current electricity, series circuit, parallel circuit, conductors and insulators, renewable and non-renewable energy, and conserving power. Again, tomorrow's test will be a multiple choice and fill in the blank assessment.

McQuaid Art

Art History Project for Spring 2010 - First Assigned April 12, edited April 19
There are only 3 classes left for this project, so students who have not made use of class time will need to work on this at home.

Your assignment is to create a powerpoint about a famous artist, which will be presented in class. The list of choices will be a sign-up sheet on the board. If you have another artist in mind, let Mr. Cook know who you would like to present. You will be given several classes to work on this project, but you may need to do work outside of regular class time.

Your powerpoint must be at least 12 slides, and must include all of these questions:
1. A title page containing the title and your name
2. A picture of your artist.
3. A brief biography of your artist. When and where were they born? Who were their parents? Did they have siblings? Where did they live? Where did they go to school? What kind of artist were they (what style)? If they are not still living, when did they die? And so on…
4. Why or how did your artist begin painting/drawing/sculpting/taking photos? What were their influences?
5. How many different works of art has your artist produced? Give some examples.
6. List 5 other interesting facts you have learned about your artist.
7. Why do you think your artist is so famous? Do you think they will be famous for a long time? Why or why not?
8. In your own words, describe your honest thoughts about this artist and their work. Do you like them? Provide details to support your arguments.
9. If you could ask your artist 5 questions, what would they be?
10. Choose your favourite piece of their work and provide a picture. Knowing what you know about your artist, write a short journal entry from their point of view about this piece. What do you think they would say about it?

This project will be worth 50% of your final Art grade for the year, so do your best. You will be marked on completing all 10 required components, as well as neatness, original thoughts, understanding of the material, and class presentation. You must not copy and paste from websites; the words must be your own.

Due Date: May 31

NOTE: If your school laptop is too slow to work well, you may research this project by using books in the library. All components are still required. Or, you may work at home on this project, and bring it in on the assigned day.

GMCS Cinema Presents: Dear John (PG-13) Friday, April 30 @ 7pm. Hope to see you there!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 min, and use log to record reading
~ Hand of Robin Squires ch 22-25 due next Wednesday. These are the questions due:

1) Find the 2 similes in chapter 22, and the one simile in chapter 24.
2) What is Edward suggesting to Billy Boles when he says on page 130, "Come, Mr. Boles. Use your imagination."?
3) What shows you that Robin is absolutely convinced that Billy Boles will soon murder him and that he is desperate to escape?
4) What words would you use to describe Actaudin, especially after reading chapters 23 and 24? Do you think he would make a good leader for his people? Why?
5) Why does Robin decide to go back to England?
6) Match the vocabulary in the following list with the proper definition below - gale (p.123); subsided, tethered (pg.124); pinioned, tourniquet (pg.133). Write each word and then its proper meaning out in your notebook. PLEASE watch your spelling!
- a device for stopping bleeding by compressing a blood vessel
- a very strong wind; a wind with a velocity of 50-88km/h
- fastened with a rope or chain
- sank to a lower level; became less active
- to bind the arms of

Hand of Robin Squires final project due April 30

There will be a comprehensive spelling test on all Hand of Robin Squires words (48) on Monday, May 3. Students should begin studying for this important assessment. These are the words:


To help study for this, I put the words in a Hangman game called Word Duck. You may find this game website to the right of this blog entry under "Hand of Robin Squires".

Social Studies

~ Tuesday we began an assignment about timelines. Students wee to create personal timelines using events of their own lives. This was not meant to be overly personal or nosy, just a way for students to understand the passage of time in their short lives. This was due today.

6 Science

~ Today we had Electricity test retake. Most of the students hit the ball out of the park on this test, and will keep the marks they received. If they choose to rewrite, then they may use this test as a study guide for a retake on Tuesday. I also included a set of additional notes to studying from, for those who want to retake.

The topics are: static electricity, current electricity, series circuit, parallel circuit, conductors and insulators, renewable and non-renewable energy, and conserving power. Again, the Tuesday test will be a multiple choice and fill in the blank assessment.


High School and Middle School Dinner Theatre Sunday April 25 @ 6PM.
GMCS Cinema Presents: Dear John (PG-13) Friday, April 30 @ 7pm. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 min, and use log to record reading
~ Hand of Robin Squires ch 22-25 due next Wednesday; final project due April 30
~ Here are the spelling words for Friday's spelling test:



There will be a comprehensive spelling test on all Hand of Robin Squires words (48) on Monday, May 3. Students should begin studying for this important assessment. These are the words:


Social Studies
~ Tuesday we began an assignment about timelines. Students wee to create personal timelines using events of their own lives. This was not meant to be overly personal or nosy, just a way for students to understand the passage of time in their short lives. This was due today.

6 Science
~ Electricity test retake on Friday. Students should study for this. The topics are: static electricty, current electricity, series circuit, parallel circuit, conductors and insulators, renewable and non-renewable energy, and conserving power. It will be a multiple choice and fill in the blank assessment.


High School and Middle School Dinner Theatre Sunday April 25 @ 6PM.
GMCS Cinema Presents: Dear John (PG-13) Friday, April 30 @ 7pm. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


My apologies for missing yesterday!

Language Arts

~ read 20 min, and use log to record reading
~ Hand of Robin Squires ch 19-21 due Wednesday; final project due April 30
~ Here are the spelling words for Friday's spelling test:



There will be a comprehensive spelling test on all Hand of Robin Squires words (48) on Monday, May 3. Students should begin studying for this important assessment.

Social Studies
~ Today we began an assignment about timelines. Students are to create personal timelines using events of their own lives. This is not meant to be overly personal or nosy, just a way for students to understand the passage of time in their short lives. This is due Thursday.

6 Science
~ Electricity test retake on Friday. Students should study for this.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


My apologies for missing yesterday, and for today's entry being so late!

Language Arts

~ read 20 min, and use log to record reading
~ Hand of Robin Squires ch 16-19 due next Wednesday; final project due April 30
~ Here are the spelling words for Friday's spelling test:


Social Studies
~ There will be a quick quiz on current events tomorrow. Next week we begin our unit on Confederation.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 min, and use log to record reading
~ Hand of Robin Squires ch 15-18 due Wednesday; final project due April 30
~ As a general rule, I don't give spelling tests on shorter weeks. However, since this is a 5-day week, we will have a test on Friday, for which students should study. Here are the spelling words:


7 Science

~ bring materials

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 minutes. Beginning tomorrow, I will be having students fill out a Reading Log when they read, at school or at home.
~ Hand of Robin Squires assignment chapters 15-18, due for next Wednesday April 14.

These are the questions...

1.) A simile is a "figure of speech" in which two unlike things are directly compared, as in "we ran around like chickens with their heads cut off." The last line on pg. 87 is also a simile. Find the simile in chapter 17.

2.) Match the vocabulary word in the following list with the proper definition below – malice (pg. 89); ruse (pg. 91);alleviate, indifferent (pg. 93); gaunt (pg. 94). Write each word and then its proper meaning out in your notebook. PLEASE watch your spelling!
•active ill will; a wish to hurt others;
•a trick or stratagem ;
•make easier to endure; relieve; lessen the impact of;
•very thin and bony; having hollow eyes and a starved look;
•having no feeling for or against;

3.) Why was the dirt from the tunnel and shaft rowed out of the cove and dumped into the sea?

4.) What evidence can you find in these chapters that proves that Billy Boles is a very cruel man?

5.) What plans had Edward for his crew and the slaves that survive after the treasure vault is completed? Why doesn't Billy Boles seem to trust Edward?

6.) Does Billy Boles like Robin? How do you know? Why or why not?

~ Hand of Robin Squires final project due April 30. These are the options...

1. You may create a poster on bristol board about The Hand of Robin Squires as if it were going to be a movie. Who would be starring in it? What scenes would you put on the poster to make it look interesting? Use full-colour, and be neat!

2. You may write and perform (in class) an original song about the book. Tell a story from the book, or summarize the entire novel. You may adapt the song from another song you know, but the lyrics must be original to you.

3. You may create a detailed map of the island or a detailed model of the island. Or, create a detailed diagram or model of the Money Pit (the shaft).

4. You may create a model of a wigwam. Make it as realistic as possible, and be prepared to display it in class.

5. You may create a model of a ship like the "Queen's Privateer". Research sailing ships of the time, and draw and label a picture, or create a model, of what the ship may have looked like.

6. You may research the history and legends of Oak Island, and discuss the various theories about its treasures. You may even want to come up with a theory of your own!

7. You may research the Micmac (now known as Mi'kmaq) and present what you have learned on a poster, a powerpoint, or some other display.

8. You may choose a section of the novel to act out in a dramatic monologue. You may ask someone else to help you in a skit, but that person must do their own project as well. This is NOT a group project.

9. You may create a journal, describing the events of the novel, as seen from another character's point of view? What was Billy Boles thinking? What if Powderlegs kept a journal? What would Actaudin have written in a journal?

10. If you can think of another project not specifically mentioned here, submit to Mr. Cook your idea.


~ finish incomplete work

Social Studies

~ the students need to keep their duotangs updated. If they miss a day, it is their responsibility to get the missing work and complete it. So far in this unit, students should have 1) Title Page 2) "What's in a News Story?" 3) "Chile: A Shattered Nation" 4) "Chile and its Neighbours" 5) Current Events worksheet using as a source for their news article 6) "Elephants are Not Fair Game" (handed out today), and 7) Elephant Facts/Elephant Explainer (also handed out today). Mrs. P-G's class also has an article called "A Letter from the First Lady". I will be collecting these duotangs for marking some time soon, and all work must be completed.


~ SMART Goals need to be completed


~ the "Create a Critter" assignment, which was due on Tuesday, absolutely needs to be finished for Friday.



~ Awards ceremony Friday afternoon
~ "Avatar" showing here at the school 7PM, $5

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter holiday!

Language Arts

~ read 20 minutes
~ Hand of Robin Squires assignment chapters 12-14
~ final project due April 30. These are the options...

1. You may create a poster on bristol board about The Hand of Robin Squires as if it were going to be a movie. Who would be starring in it? What scenes would you put on the poster to make it look interesting? Use full-colour, and be neat!

2. You may write and perform (in class) an original song about the book. Tell a story from the book, or summarize the entire novel. You may adapt the song from another song you know, but the lyrics must be original to you.

3. You may create a detailed map of the island or a detailed model of the island. Or, create a detailed diagram or model of the Money Pit (the shaft).

4. You may create a model of a wigwam. Make it as realistic as possible, and be prepared to display it in class.

5. You may create a model of a ship like the "Queen's Privateer". Research sailing ships of the time, and draw and label a picture, or create a model, of what the ship may have looked like.

6. You may research the history and legends of Oak Island, and discuss the various theories about its treasures. You may even want to come up with a theory of your own!

7. You may research the Micmac (now known as Mi'kmaq) and present what you have learned on a poster, a powerpoint, or some other display.

8. You may choose a section of the novel to act out in a dramatic monologue. You may ask someone else to help you in a skit, but that person must do their own project as well. This is NOT a group project.

9. You may create a journal, describing the events of the novel, as seen from another character's point of view? What was Billy Boles thinking? What if Powderlegs kept a journal? What would Actaudin have written in a journal?

10. If you can think of another project not specifically mentioned here, submit to Mr. Cook your idea.


~ finish incomplete work

Social Studies

~ the students need to keep their duotangs updated. If they miss a day, it is their responsibility to get the missing work and complete it. So far in this unit, students should have 1) Title Page 2) "What's in a News Story?" 3) "Chile: A Shattered Nation" 4) "Chile and its Neighbours" 5) Current Events worksheet using as a source for their news article 6) "Elephants are Not Fair Game" (handed out today), and 7) Elephant Facts/Elephant Explainer (also handed out today). Mrs. P-G's class also has an article called "A Letter from the First Lady". I will be collecting these duotangs for marking some time soon, and all work must be completed.


~ SMART Goals need to be completed



~ Awards ceremony Friday afternoon
~ "Avatar" showing here at the school 7PM, $5

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 minutes.

~ The Hand of Robin Squires assignment for ch.12-14, found below, is due next Wednesday

Here it is:
1.) Even though this is written in the duotangs, neither Grade 6 nor Grade 7 does it at this time.

2.) What do the legends about Glooscap seem to suggest? Give evidence from the story to support your answer.

3.) Match the vocabulary word in the following list with the proper definition below – plentiful, sagamore (pg. 63); vigilance (pg. 66); promontory (pg. 73); revulsion, skewer (pg. 78). Write each word and then its proper meaning out in your notebook. PLEASE watch your spelling!
•more than enough; abundant;
•a high point of land extending from the coast into the water;
•a long pin of wood or metal stuck through meat to hold it together while cooking;
•among Algonquin peoples, an elected ruler or chief of a tribe;
•a strong feeling of disgust or distaste;
•watchfulness or alertness;

4.) How do Robin and Actaudin happen to meet one another?

5.) What things do Robin and Actaudin have in common?

6.) In what ways are the two boys different?

~ finish work not completed in class


~ Grade 6 students are to "Create a Critter". They need to create a creature that describes what gives them good PROTECTION or makes them good PREDATORS. They must name the creature, describe it in words, and draw it in full-colour. It is due for next Tuesday's Science class.

Social Studies
~ finish current events worksheet using as a source for articles. We have been working on current events in Social Studies, and after class discussion, worksheets are distributed. I will be collecting duotangs after several classes, and work needs to be kept up-to-date.


~ in class on Monday, we wrote SMART goals, that is, goals for their lives that are 1) Specific 2) Measurable 3) Attainable 4) Realistic and 5) Timely. Each student was to create 1 goal about eating healthy, and 1 goal about having an active lifestyle. After the creation of 2 goals, the students were to create a 7-day chart to check if they had completed their goals for the day. These charts and SMART goals are due Tuesday.

COMING UP...~ Parent Teacher conferences are tomorrow, March 31, from 6-8, and Thursday from 9-11. There is a sign-up sheet at my door.

~ Scholastic Book Fair in the library this week as well
~ no school on Friday April 2 and Monday April 5

PLEASE REMEMBER...~ Phys Ed is on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, and gym clothes are necessary for the class.


Tonight's Parent-Teacher conferences are from 6-8, NOT 7-9. Sorry for the miscommunication!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Language Arts

~ no spelling test this week
~ read 20 minutes.

~ The Hand of Robin Squires assignment for ch.9-11, found below, is due tomorrow

Here it is:
1.) Match the vocabulary word in the following list with the proper definition below – aloof, scuttle, plunder (pg.47); booty, mutilated (pg. 48); fastidious, mirth (pg. 52). Write each word and then its proper meaning out in your notebook. PLEASE watch your spelling!
•things taken from the enemy in war; things seized by violence and robbery;
•at a distance; withdrawn; reserved;
•cut or tore off or destroyed a part of a living body;
•cut a hole or holes through the bottom or sides of a ship to sink it;
•hard to please; easily disgusted;
•rob by force;
•merriment or gaiety accompanied by laughter;

2.) What happened to pirates if they got caught?

3.) What do you think it meant when Edward said to Robin, "I see you have found your sea legs," on pg. 50?

4.) Why was Robin surprised at how warm it was on the island?

5.) Study the diagram on pg. 59, and carefully read Robin's description of his father's plan. How does the vault work? Why does Edward think his treasure will be safe there?

6.) When you read the last two paragraphs of Chapter 11, did you have a sneaky feeling that the so-called "inviting" beach wasn't as peaceful as it looked and that something was about to happen? Why?

~ finish work not completed in class

Social Studies
~ finish current events worksheet using as a source for articles. We have been working on current events in Social Studies, and after class discussion, worksheets are distributed. I will be collecting duotangs after several classes, and work needs to be kept up-to-date.

COMING UP...~ Parent Teacher conferences are tomorrow, March 31, from 7-9, and Thursday from 9-11. There is a sign-up sheet at my door.

~ Scholastic Book Fair in the library this week as well
~ no school on Friday April 2 and Monday April 5
~ there will be a banner raising for the recent Middle School basketball victories tomorrow afternoon at 1:15.

PLEASE REMEMBER...~ Phys Ed is on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, and gym clothes are necessary for the class.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 minutes
~ The Hand of Robin Squires assignment ch.6-8 was due yesterday. Some students have not been keeping up with assignments on time, as in, weekly. All assignments need to be turned in by tomorrow, or time will have to be made up in Saturday school. Next week is the assignment for ch.9-11, found below, but that doesn't need to be done by Friday, of course.

~ spelling test tomorrow. This week's spelling words are from The Hand of Robin Squires:

The Hand of Robin Squires assignment on ch.9-11 is due Wednesday. Here it is:

1.) Match the vocabulary word in the following list with the proper definition below – aloof, scuttle, plunder (pg.47); booty, mutilated (pg. 48); fastidious, mirth (pg. 52). Write each word and then its proper meaning out in your notebook. PLEASE watch your spelling!

•things taken from the enemy in war; things seized by violence and robbery;

•at a distance; withdrawn; reserved;

•cut or tore off or destroyed a part of a living body;

•cut a hole or holes through the bottom or sides of a ship to sink it;

•hard to please; easily disgusted;

•rob by force;

•merriment or gaiety accompanied by laughter;

2.) What happened to pirates if they got caught?

3.) What do you think it meant when Edward said to Robin, "I see you have found your sea legs," on pg. 50?

4.) Why was Robin surprised at how warm it was on the island?

5.) Study the diagram on pg. 59, and carefully read Robin's description of his father's plan. How does the vault work? Why does Edward think his treasure will be safe there?

6.) When you read the last two paragraphs of Chapter 11, did you have a sneaky feeling that the so-called "inviting" beach wasn't as peaceful as it looked and that something was about to happen? Why?


~ finish work not completed in class

Social Studies

~ finish Chile earthquake worksheets for Tuesday. We have been working on current events in Social Studies, and after class discussion, worksheets are distributed. I will be collecting duotangs after several classes, and work needs to be kept up-to-date.


~ Parent Teacher conferences are next Wednesday (March 31) evening, and next Thursday (April 1) morning.
~ Scholastic Book Fair in the library next week as well
~ no school on Friday April 2 and Monday April 5
~ there will be a banner raising for the recent Middle School basketball victories next Wednesday afternoon at 1:15.


~ Phys Ed is on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, and gym clothes are necessary for the class.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 minutes
~ The Hand of Robin Squires assignment ch.6-8 was due today. Some students have not been keeping up with assignments on time, as in, weekly. All assignments need to be turned in by Friday, or time will have to be made up in Saturday school. Next week is the assignment for ch.9-11, but that doesn't need to be done by Friday, of course.

~ spelling test on Friday. This week's spelling words are from The Hand of Robin Squires:



~ finish work not completed in class

Social Studies

~ finish "What's in a News Story?" worksheet for tomorrow


~ Parent Teacher conferences are next Wednesday (March 31) evening, and next Thursday (April 1) morning.
~ Scholastic Book Fair in the library next week as well
~ no school on Friday April 2 and Monday April 5
~ there will be a banner raising for the recent Middle School basketball victories next Wednesday afternoon at 1:15.


~ Phys Ed is on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, and gym clothes are necessary for the class.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


These questions are for Wednesday, March 24's Language Arts class. Please answer neatly and in complete sentences on a piece of looseleaf in your Hand of Robin Squires duotang. You may put the title "Third-Rater, 74-Gun" on the top of the looseleaf.

The answers to these questions can be found in the websites on the right under the heading, "The Hand of Robin Squires".

1) How long was the 74-gun ship?
2) How many masts did the ship have?
3) What qualities made the 74-gun the most effective ships of the time?
4) The name of Edward's ship is the Queen's Privateer. Using the Kids Dictionary link, explain in your own words what a privateer is.


Language Arts

~ read 20 minutes
~ The Hand of Robin Squires assignment ch.6-8 is due Wednesday. Some students have not been keeping up with assignments on time, as in, weekly. All assignments need to be turned in by Friday, or time will have to be made up in Saturday school.

~ spelling test on Friday. This week's spelling words are from The Hand of Robin Squires:



~ finish work not completed in class

Social Studies

~ finish "What's in a News Story?" worksheet for Thursday


~ Parent Teacher conferences are next Wednesday (March 31) evening, and next Thursday (April 1) morning.
~ Scholastic Book Fair in the library next week as well
~ no school on Friday April 2 and Monday April 5.


~ Phys Ed is on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, and gym clothes are necessary for the class.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Language Arts

~ read 20 minutes
~ The Hand of Robin Squires assignment ch.6-8 is due Wednesday. Some students have not been keeping up with assignments on time, as in, weekly. All assignments need to be turned in by Friday, or time will have to be made up in Saturday school.

~ spelling test on Friday. This week's spelling words are from The Hand of Robin Squires:



~ finish work not completed in class

Social Studies for P-G

~ finish "Letter from the First Lady" worksheet from Friday


~ Parent Teacher conferences are next Wednesday (March 31) evening, and next Thursday (April 1) morning.
~ Scholastic Book Fair in the library next week as well
~ no school on Friday April 2 and Monday April 5.


~ Phys Ed is on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, and gym clothes are necessary for the class.

Friday, March 19, 2010

HOMEWORK for Mrs. P-G's Social Studies

This is a Social Studies activity I did in Mrs. P-G's Social Studies class this morning. Questions need to be completed by Tuesday, the next SS class.

Social Studies – March 19, 2010 Name: _______________________

A Letter from the First Lady By Michelle Obama

March 3, 2010

Dear TIME FOR KIDS Readers,

One of the best parts of my job is getting to meet kids like you all across the country. Whether it's reading with you in a classroom or digging in our garden at the White House, I'm always struck by your energy and imagination. I love hearing about what you're studying in school, what you do for fun and your dreams for the future.

Unfortunately, right now, too many kids aren't getting what they need to pursue their dreams. They're not eating the healthy foods they need to be strong and active. And they're not getting the exercise they need to stay fit. So they don't have the energy need to pay attention in school and keep up with their friends on the playground.

That's why I started Let's Move, a nationwide campaign to help kids like you to lead active, healthy lives; get healthier food in your schools; run around and be active; and more.

I hope all of you will be part of these efforts. It can be something as simple as deciding drink water instead of soda, or running around outside instead of playing video games or watching TV inside, or being willing to try new fruits and vegetables when they're served at school or at home. That might not always be easy, but I know you can do it!

So, together, let's move to make sure all of you have the happy, healthy futures you deserve.

All the best,

Michelle Obama

(from,27972,1970542,00.html, accessed March 18, 2010)

1. Why did First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama write to TIME FOR KIDS readers? What is the purpose of her letter?

2. What problem does Mrs. Obama point out? What suggestions does she offer kids?
3. On the back of this page, create an ad persuading other kids to be active and eat healthy. Choose one main idea (exercise, health, nutrition, avoiding bad habits, etc.) and quickly create an ad encouraging others to have a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Well, the Grade 6 Science class all survived the field trip to the Huntsman Marine Lab in St. Andrew's, and we had a lot of fun along the way. I'd really like to thank Liz Harvey and Shelley Veysey as staff members, and Richard Green and Tasha Urquhart as parents (well, Liz too), as excellent chaperones on this trip.


Grade 7 - finish algebra sheet
Grade 6 - finish rectangle sheet (1 side)


~ nutrient test on Monday; these are the notes for the test...
Vitamin A - for helping your eyes adjust at night, to keep your skin from being dry and scaly - orange veggies like carrots and pumpkin, green vegetables like spinach, egg yolks
Vitamin B1 - converts blood sugar to energy, provides fuel for the body - cereal, bread, oatmeal, rice
Vitamin C - for helping cuts and bruises to heal, to fight colds and infections, to keep healthy teeth and gums - fruit like apples and oranges, and vegetables
Vitamin D - to help your body get calcium into your bones and teeth – milk, cereals, the sun
Calcium - for helping bones grow strong and healthy - milk, cheese, yogurt, nuts and seeds
Iron - For giving you energy, for keeping your red blood cell count up, keeping oxygen in your blood - grains, red meats, beans, dried fruit
Folic acid (or folate) - helps prevent birth defects (for girls), helps make new red blood cells - leafy green vegetables like spinach, enriched grains
Sodium - maintains water balance, but too much is bad for the body - salt, canned foods, cheese, sauces
Potassium - keeps your muscles and nervous system working properly - bananas, potatoes, beans, cantaloupe
Protein - helps form, maintain and repair muscles and organs - meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, nuts
Fibre - helps keep the digestive system healthy, keeps the body “regular” - whole grains, vegetables, fruit, beans
Sugars - for giving quick bursts of energy, but they don’t last very long – fruit, honey, and molasses
Water-soluble vitamins - Your body doesn’t store these vitamins - you need them everyday! – Vitamins B and C
Fat-soluble vitamins – your body stores them until it needs them – Vitamins A and D

~ if anybody hasn't finished their weekly menus, they need to be done by Monday

Language Arts

~ read 20 minutes
~ spelling test tomorrow
~ The Hand of Robin Squires chapters 6-8 questions due next Wednesday. As I stated in a previous post, each student has a different number of questions listed in their duotang, but in case you need them, these are the questions...

1.) Where do you suppose Edward obtained the gold, emeralds, and rubies he gave out to Robin, Annie, and Robin's grandfather? Does this and the strange way Edward is behaving make you suspect anything?

2.) Is there any reason to think it strange that Edward had docked his ship at a small out-of-the-way port like Dartmouth, instead of his usual port? Explain.

3.) Why wasn't Robin allowed to explore the ship?

4.) What two things does the author mention at the end of chapter 6 that increase the excitement and mystery, and make you want to read on?\

5) Skip this question.

6.) Chapter 7 ends in mystery, too. What new details have been added to the puzzle in the story?

7.) Where did the blood on the deck come from?

8.) Describe how Powderlegs came to lose his legs.

9.) What amazing piece of information does Powderlegs let slip in his drunken ramblings to Robin?

10.) Match the vocabulary word in the following list with the proper definition below - rancour (pg. 30); tedious, quay (pg. 31); dispensary (pg. 32); commotion (pg. 35); bulwark (pg. 36). Write each word and then its proper meaning out in your notebook. PLEASE watch your spelling!
•a solid landing place where ships load and unload, often built of stone;
•confusion; agitation; violent movement;
•long and tiring;
•the part of a ship’s side that extends above the deck level;
•a place where medicines and medical advice are given; that part of a hospital where medicines are stored;
•a deep-seated, bitter resentment or ill-will; extreme hatred or spite;


Some students are falling behind in their keeping up with The Hand of Robin Squires assignments. You can know if your child is missing assignments: there is a checklist table in the duotang itself where I am recording marks. There will be a deadline for missing assignments up to and including chapters 6-8; if not finished by next Friday (March 26), students may have to make up time in Saturday school.